No Longer Conflicted

May 3, 2021

We have come to appreciate the value of what we do, how we do it, and the results that our hard work generates. But surprisingly, this renewed revelation has occurred within the last 12 months, brought on by the pandemic, the new administration, and the uncertainty in the markets.

I was challenged by another advisor to come up with one word that describes the state an individual finds themselves in regarding where to turn for financial advice. It seems easy at first blush, but I struggled for over a day to come up with that word! And then it came to

me: conflicted.

There is a tremendous amount of noise out in the marketplace when it comes to financial planning, retirement, annuities, life insurance, long-term care, Medicare, social security, etc. In fact, just my rambling on with this list of topics probably creates some type of “conflict” right now. There can be a sense of uneasiness and frustration because we struggle with having to make good decisions in each of these areas. And because our time is limited, we may rush things and make a bad decision! So, we become conflicted and put off making those tough decisions.

What will resolve this conflict and give you a sense of peace and security? A PLAN! I met with a couple recently, and the husband picked up on my use of the word conflicted and used it for the remainder of our conversation – as did his wife! The good news was that we talked through their situation, sketched out an initial plan, and instantly a calmness came over the two of them. Pretty amazing!

The problem is being conflicted. The solution is A PLAN. I hope this gives you peace of mind and comfort as well!

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